Thursday, July 1, 2010

Promises, promises.

Well, I left the last post with a few interesting topics to get excited about, and they will all be discussed in this post - as promised. My mind works in "list" form most days, so don't be surprised when blogs are structured like that. Before you read any further, you must know how thankful Colin and I are to be in this house. It is so perfect for us and I never want to seem ungrateful. If I do, tell me, and I'll stop with the stories. This really is a sweet time for us and we are thankful to be in such a wonderful house that is just allowing us to make so many memories together. Happy Thursday!

Numero uno: Dinosaur Camp. The camp this week has really been great. It is just in the mornings and I have 16 kids, so things get busy, but it is so great and has really helped me get adjusted to the school. Colin has been getting practice being a "teacher's husband" and has been so wonderful helping me with things for camp (i.e. making 16 paper mache dinosaur eggs which are not small), making stone dough for fossil digging, getting dino videos offline for me, dealing with technology hook-ups at the school, and just being an all-around fabulous husband. Thanks love. The camp ends tomorrow, and I am already going to miss these kids.

Remember what I said about a teacher's husband? We were walking to the end of our street to go for a run and found this huge bug/killing/stinging machine. It was helpless on its back but still moving, so we went back to get our camera (Colin) and a plastic container to put in our science center (Christina).

Grilling indoors. Unfortunately, that is exactly what it sounds like. We got this incredible grill pan from Colin's grandparents that fits over 2 burners on our stove and have used it pretty much every night we cook. No exaggeration. I would pretty much eat anything cooked by my husband on this pan. Again, no exaggeration. Colin mostly handles this grilling process while I am his sous chef - chopping, plating, and dealing with side dishes. We pretty much have our own version of Iron Chef America going on in our house. And while they are grilling "indoors" on that show, their kitchen literally amasses the entire square footage of our house (times 2). Which presents a problem for us. If someone were to walking in amidst the "indoor grilling" they would call the fire department stat. And don't even thinking about opening the door. There are so many bugs, we would have to fumigate. After about 5 minutes of this, I excuse myself and allow my husband to be subjected to the billowing smokey interior of our kitchen while I prepare the coffee table for dinner (we don't have kitchen chairs yet). I know that when the smoke invades the living area, the food is just about done. Thankfully. However, the food always comes out perfectly. My husband is so great.

Our kitchen really is precious, it is just not equipped with cabinet space (I find myself using the washing machine as a preparation surface, yes, washing machine), a ventilation system, a microwave, or dishwasher. Yeah, no dishwasher. I have really learned a lot just from not having a dishwasher and am so much more thankful for when we do eat out once a week. I feel like I am calling my Grandmother a lot for advice. This house is kind of her time period. No shower, no dishwasher, no microwave, no doors, tiny washer/dryer, you get the picture. Apparently it brings her back to the "good old days", Can I just go back to the days we are supposed to be in? There was a day last week when my desperation translated into Scrabble magnets moving on the fridge and my husband saw my cry for help. Bluebaker cooked and did the dishes for us.

El bano. Before I try and explain it, I think I am just going to try and let the picture do itself justice because, unfortunately, it does.

I know what you are thinking. And yes, you CAN wash your hands while sitting on the toilet. We are all about efficiency in this house. Going green people.

Moving on to the tub. While the natural response is "how cute", and in fact, this was a selling point on the house for me, looks can be utterly deceiving. I mean, hello...romantic? Negative. I can hardly fit myself in this tub. Colin is constantly finding new methods of bathing and eagerly emerging from the bathroom to explain it to me. I, myself, have to modify his methods, because, well, I have about 74 times more hair on my head, have to shave my legs, and have some other bathing routines I don't like to give up.

I have thought to myself of duct taping the shower head thing to the wall above us. I mean, I left my heart with my kids in Bryan, I'm not above the uses of duct tape for home improvement. However brilliant this idea may seem, what you cannot see in the picture is that the water pressure we have is that of a cheap hotel or campsite. It would literally have to be right above the tub, therefore negating my stroke of brilliance in the first place. I often crawl out of this bathtub to find I have left my towel on the door across the room, that there is a large spot of leftover conditioner in my hair (4/5 times I have to get back in after drying off), and a husband saying, "uhhh, love, you have soap on your neck." Wonderful. Thanks dear.

Since I am an optimistic person and don't give up on adverse situations easily, I find myself left with 3 options:

1. Joining a gym to use their showering amenities.
2. Cutting my hair.
3. Becoming BFFs with a hairstylist willing to wash my hair daily.

And then I remember that I am married to a man who typically takes three showers (or in this case, baths) daily. I hate competition.

Oh, I almost husband came home with this new hairdo yesterday. He just can't NOT be handsome.

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